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Army Buddies

Aaron, a tall, clean cut looking soldier, had a plan. It was Thursday when he put it into play.

The soldiers who shared the barracks were all similar, after all that was the goal of the Army. Haircuts, clean shaven, same clothing, do things together from sleeping to marching, schooling to showering. They were all a part of each other.

Aaron loved it. He had worried that his penis would give him away. He worried his lingering glances would too. But his cock didn't rise and his looks weren't noticed. He remembered the sizes of cocks, the same of buttocks, the thickness of muscles and the sweetness of lips.

There weren't many that he would reject satisfying however they wanted or needed it. And like him they were all a bit frustrated at being ordered what to do every day and night.

The schooling would last two more months and nobody was allowed leave to go home for another month.But they could go into nearby city area for the weekend.And the first one had been two weeks ago.

Some returned early, some drunk, others quiet. A few bragged about who they picked up and screwed of course, but the saying lingered in Aaron's head. "The more they brag the less they did". He smiled at one farm boy who bragged a great deal about getting blow jobs.

He knew that really meant the guy either got his first blow job from a cheap prostitute or even a guy..or he was letting everyone knew he wanted one, or that he was just ignorant.

Aaron smiled. His plan might work on the farmboy.

Every morning at five am, the lights went on and the recording of a bugle sounded. The sleepy boys acting like men slowly emerged from their bunks and wearing only their Army issued boxers stumbled into the latrine. They's shave, bruch teeth and doff their wrinkled underwear for the group shower.

Few talked in that room, using their silence to replace the privacy they had perhaps known back home. Some might sing, and there might be an occasional joke but nobody lingered in the warm spray, opting ot wrap a towel around their waist for the dash back to their bunks and clean underwear.

Aaron aroused by the lights and bugle, got out of his bunk. He was naked. Many of his fellow soldiers slept naked too but they pulled on shorts of a towel when getting up. He didn't.

That morning he stretched naked in the center of the two rows of bunks and lockers. He grabbed his towel and toletry case and walked down the hall to the latrine. Around him were towel clad soldiers with two things in common.

Everyone were horny and everyone work dog tags.

He bushed his teeth slowly dancing a little to the music that someone played on their radio cognizant his bared buttocks flexed as he did so.

He spread shaving cream on his face, throat and scraped the hair that had grown away. He looked around and decided to do the next part of his plan spreading cream on his buttocks and shaving them.

"Be careful there or you'll hurt yourself" a soldier standing next to him said.

"It's ok, I keep em smooth" he smiled back "everyone likes em that way".

The guy laughed "what about your balls?" he was lookng at the smooth nuggest that hung in a smooth sac between Aaron's legs.

"Yep keep em shaved too" Aaron smiled back. "Great for tea bagging" he laughed.

The walk to the shower stall was next. He moved among modest soldiers around the labyrinth of sinks and toilet stalls across the tiled floow into the steam filled room.

The water felt good, even better, that morning then before. It washed away remnants of his face and butt shaving easily.

He hummed and one or two other soldiers joined in. The dancing was next and he shook his booty amidst laughter.

Aaron felt his cock expand. It didn't get hard but it did grow. He felt the blood flowing. He thought he saw more then one pair of eyes look and he let them.

Dripping with water from his buzz cut head down his smooth body, drippign off his chin, the tips of his fingers and his male glands he moved outside and slowly dried himself noticing the butts, cocks, balls and bodies around him.

There were new things to remember and already evaluated attributes. He bent over to dry his feet. He didn't shy away from view while drying his back and he never put the wet towel around his waist as he retrieved his toiletry kit and walking down the long hall back to the barracks room he occupied.

"Shit I'm horny" the yell made everyone laugh.

"Who isn't?" another yelled

"Anyone who isn't horny raise their hand or tell us who the fag is that helped them out" another said.

Aaron knew the plan was working.

Another day and another show of his willingness to leave himself open to eyes, leers and hopefully thoughts.

Then he announced to a few of them.

"Hey I'm getting a motel room, beer and haning out if you guys want to join me" he said "I'm not wasting my time on hookers, bars or coming back still horny".

The word got around. He knew that among those that said "maybe I'll show up later" or "we'll see" that he wouldn't be alone.

Swimming at night was always sexy to him. Aaron wore the white shorts he brought from home. They were sexy during the light and sexier at night. In the dayight the shorts when wet revealed what was underneath. At night they revealed somewhat less but at least the shape of things that would come if allowed.

He swam. Dennis had come to the motel with him and hung out then decided to go into town "for awhile. I'll be back"

Aaron walked from the pool back ot the room to find Dennis and Carl there. They had already emptied a few cans of beer and rid themselves of their civilian clothes leaving only jockey and boxer shorts.

"We saw Clive and that farmboy you know the loud one, they're coming over. I promised them a blowjob" Dennis said.

The night hours revealed that Aaron's plan had indeed worked. Not only Clive and the famerboy but two or three others came. They swam in their underwear despite a warning from the clerk.

Aaron saw the wry smile and knew he was enjoying the view. "If anyone complains, I'll have to lock up the pool" he said. Aaron knew the pool gate would remain open.

The guys would leave the room and wander. Aaron didn't know where they went but they'd return whispering and chuckling.

The lights were reduced to the glare of the adult film playing TV screen. Guys stroked their cocks under their clothing and eventually in the open enjoying the freedom and comraderie the night offered.

As for Aaron he stayed busy using his hand to entice or satisfy. His lips too were happy to encircle more then one of his buddies in the bathroom.

As the snores grew in volume, Aaron lay on one bed between the farmboy and Dennis fitting himself into the former and feeling inside him the latter. They fucked as quietly as possible.

Dennis snored, he was finished. Aaron whispered and the farmboy grabbed his boxers joining in the walk to the pool now unlit. They swam, touched, gropped and knew that when they returned to the motel room, they'd fuck again.

Aaron sighed and finally slept his arms over one naked soldier and anotehr one had his half naked body stretched across him.

They'd all have a nice mornign swim, big breakfast and return to the barracks with stories of hookers, town women and others about their exploits. And of course nobody would tell what they really did that weekend, who they did or who did them.

But they had a new definition of buddy...which is what the Army wanted.

Aaron's plan had worked better then he hoped.

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