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Baby Blue Marine

Disclaimer: All the usual disclaimers apply: If you are too young to be reading this type of material, or it is not legal in your area, state, province, country, solar system, or universe, then please move on.This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between two males, one underage and one is an adult, so if you find this offensive, then you should not have come in here in the first place, move on, Thank You. This story is very closely based on really, really, real events.Only the names have been changed.I will answer all emails, except flamers. They will be happily sent to the lovely land of "delete" to live out the remainder of their miserable little lives.So weary traveler, read on, and I hope you enjoy.

The Baby Blue Marine

I hated when I had to travel to one of the other stores in our chain.I really loved being at my store, and did not see any need for me to travel long distances to help when another manager had to leave for a meeting or vacation.My store was the only one in my region that had two full time managers.I was general manager of merchandising, while the other was general manager of sales.

I had just spent a week at a store some 30 miles north of my own store in the Northern part of Kentucky, and thought I was going to get to go back there for a while, when the main office called and told me that the manager at our Jellico, Tennessee store had taken seriously ill, and I would have to drive down and fill in for him for a couple of weeks.I went to my motel and picked up my things and checked out, gassed up my van, and headed for I-75 south.I was just north of Cincinnati, when I saw a young Marine hitch hiking on the side of the interstate so I pulled over and asked where he was headed.

"I'm headed to Cherry Hill, North Carolina to the base.I missed my bus and if I do not get back by Wednesday, I will be A.W.O.L. and I cannot afford that.I have already had to spend ten days in the brig for fighting in a bar.I can catch my bus at Jellico, before it heads into Knoxville if I can get there by morning."

I heard him say Jellico and smiled."Hop in; it just so happens that I'm headed to Jellico myself."

He opened the side door on the van and threw his duffle in, then swung up into the passenger seat, strapping on his seat belt.Extending his hand he said, "Name's Sean, and I just joined the corps in March, just finished my boot and came home on leave to see my Mom and sis."

"Hi Sean, I'm Ray."I said as I took his young hand and shook it.You look awfully young to be a Marine."

"Well, I graduated last June, and wasted a little time, then decided to join and let the government pay for my college, because I knew my Mom couldn't afford it.I had to wait until I turned 18 to join, and that was in March.March 3rd. to be exact."

"Well, I'm happy that I can help you out.I was not looking forward to this long drive, by myself.It's about two hundred miles from here to Jellico."

I eased back out into the stream of traffic and we were underway.It was the middle of May, but it was already quite warm, so the air was running, but it still felt quite warm with the sun beating through the oversized front window of the van.Sean kept fidgeting around in his seat, and I thought his wool dress blue uniform might be too warm for him, even with the air running.

"You know, you can take your jacket off and toss it and your hat onto the seat behind you.You're probably hot in that wool, and I would rather you be comfortable, it's a long trip, after all."

"Thank you sir, but we are supposed to wear our uniform when traveling."

"Well, Sean, I don't think anyone is going to be stopping us to see if you're in uniform. And if we should stop anywhere along the way, you can always put it back on."

He unfastened his seat belt, took off his jacket, turned, and placed it and his dress hat on the seat behind him.He was now wearing an athletic style T-shirt and his wool uniform trousers.He refastened his seat belt and sat back in the seat.As we crossed the river into Kentucky, he began to move in his seat again.

"You can turn on the radio if you'd like, or there are some CD's in the divider."

He opened the divider and began to thumb through the selection of CD's and found one that he apparently liked and put it into the player in the dash.He sat back, reclined his seat slightly, and closed his eyes, seeming to get lost in the music.I glanced in his direction and thought I saw his hand move lightly across the front of his trousers.Turning my attention back to the road, I occasionally glanced at his lap, and was sure that I could see a definite change in the size and shape of the bulge in the front of his slacks.By the fourth glance, there was a definite bulge there, as it was pushing the front of his pants upward from his lap.

He opened his eyes and glanced around, "The sun is going down, huh?I really didn't realize it was that late in the evening."

"Yeah, and we have a detour coming up here in a little bit.They are closing the Interstate at specific sections, to widen it out, so right up here at Walton, we will have to get off and take Highway 25 for about the next 20 miles or so, at least down around Williamstown."

"Sir, you're driving, I'm just a passenger.I will go where ever you take me, just as long as I get to Jellico by 11:30 in the morning, Sir."

He smiled, and for the first time since we had met, I noticed that he had a brilliant smile.His blue/green eyes twinkled like stars, and his little turned up nose seemed to scrunch up even smaller than normal.He had roses in his cheeks and the cutest dimples I had ever seen on anyone his age.In short, his smile made him look much younger than his 18 years.

The only thing that bothered me was the fact that he kept calling me sir.'I did not even let my employees at the store call me that.Hell, I called my Grandfathersir' and I am not even close to as old as he was.

As I turned off the interstate highway and onto the connector to Highway 25 south, the construction equipment had the pavement on the off ramp roughened up quite a bit.The van jolted and bounced around a bit, making me happy that I had my seat belt on.We finally made our way to the Highway, and made the turn south.After about seven miles, my passenger commented that he had to make a pee stop.

"That's not a problem, although there are no gas stations for a little way up, I know where there is a park that we can stop, stretch, and take a pee."

As we pulled into the Park just south of Crittenden, I noticed that there were no lights on in the whole place.The gate was open, so I figured it was still open, and besides, the sign on the gate did say that it was open until 9:00 PM, and it was only 7:00 now.

We pulled back into the park to the restroom building, parked, and went in.There was just a single bare bulb burning in the building, illuminating the room with a tea-orange glow.As the stalls were quite messy, we both ended up standing at the long porcelain trough, side by side.I glanced his way and caught him looking at my cock as the urine splattered onto the porcelain.He seemed to have a smile splayed across his face.As I shook off the last drops and put things away, I glanced at his healthy young penis.It looked good to me, about three or four inches flaccid, with a nicely flared, cut head.I quickly zipped up and turned to use the sink to rinse my hands before I got caught.

As we left the old concrete building, we stepped out into the slightly cooler evening air, and got back into the van.I pulled out onto the pavement, and discovered that the way the road through the park was laid out, it was very narrow and only one-way.We threaded our way into the depths of the park and it seemed to get darker and darker.As I saw the reflection of my headlamps off a children's slide, Sean asked me to pull over for a minute.

I pulled off the pavement onto the grass in front of a large swing set, and he opened the door and got out of the van so I turned the engine off.He motioned for me to join him and I turned off the lights and got out of the van as well.

We walked over to the swings and he sat on one of them."I used to play in a park similar to this one, before I joined the Marines."

"Yeah, these municipal parks are all over around Cincinnati, and Northern Kentucky. But they are usually better lit than this one is."

"You know why the street lights are all busted out in this park, don't you?"

I knew, but I lied, "No, why?"

"That's so that guys, gay guys, can come in here to have sex and not be seen."

"Oh yeah?" I continued the ruse.

"Yeah, you know how I know all that?"

"No, not really, how do you know?"

"I used to hang at the park by my mom's house.There were these older guys that would come there at just about dark and try to get the younger guys to go with them to the dark areas of the park and do things.You know sex stuff."

"Oh, well, did you ever go with any of them?To do the 'sex' stuff?"

"Yeah, a lot of times, if I needed a little extra money.I would let them blow me, or something and they would give me a few dollars to pay for the ride."

He stood up from the swing and unfastened his pants, letting them drop to his ankles, and then pushed his briefs down to join them.He then pulled the A-line T shirt over his head and dropped it beside him onto the ground.

He turned away from me, and laid himself across the swing, and then looking back toward me, he smiled."It's time for me to pay for my ride, Sir."

I just stood there at first, not sure, what he wanted me to do.As I walked closer, he looked back over his shoulder."It's OK sir, I'm not gay, but my dad always said that you have to pay for your ride.I don't have any money, and I'm not about to let you take me any further until I pay my way, so please, go ahead and do it.I know you want to.I could tell when you first pulled over to offer me the ride."

"But ... well ... I don't ...."

"Really sir, I don't mind.I have let a couple of guys drop a load in my hole and besides, I'm a Marine sir, I can take the little bit of pain."

I remembered that there was a small first aid kit in the van and thought that it should have some sort of cream or ointment in it, so I returned to the van to get the tube.As I opened the kit, it turned out that there was also a tube of KY there.I took it and closed the van door. As I turned to go back to the swing, I stopped myself again.`What the hell was I doing?Was I really thinking about fucking this young kid, on a swing in a playground?I had to admit, he was cute as hell, and he seemed to be more than willing."

I moved forward again, unfastening my pants as I went.My hard eight and a half inch cock tenting my briefs out in front of me.As I got up to the swing, he looked up at me.Seeing the tube of KY in my hand, he smiled, "All right, that will make it a lot easier on the entry sir."I felt his smooth hips with my hands, rubbing them across the tight mounds of his young hard ass.I squeezed a good amount of the KY onto my thumb and moved my hand over his right cheek again, dropping my thumb side palm into the edge of the crease of his young crack.I used the palm and the fingers of my left hand to pull his cheeks wide as I dropped my thumb into the crack and, contact.My thumb found his hole and sank inward, taking the KY into the waiting hole as well.He moaned out loud, as my thumb entered him.I moved the digit in and out and around for several strokes, and he was moaning more and more urgently.

"Put it in, please sir, put it in me now."

"But, I haven't lubbed it up yet son, I don't want to hurt you!"

"Please sir, put it in and push all the way in sir.PLEASE!"

I moved up behind him, pulling out my thumb, and put the head against his hot hole.When I did not push forward right away, he pushed the swing back with his feet and I moved forward then on instinct.

"OH MY GAWWWWWD!" he screamed as his and my combined movements forced my cock deep into his backside.He caught a very deep breath and held himself in position for a few moments before he shakily began to move forward.He was the tightest guy I had ever been in since I was a teenager myself.

His ass lips locked so tightly around my hard cock it was almost painful.When he began to relax, I took hold of his hips and began to slowly ride into and out of him.The music of his pleasurable moans mixing with my own seemed to fill the air of the evening.

I reached under him, took hold of his semi rigid cock, and began to stroke it as I pumped into him.His moans seemed to intensify, as I worked his now hardening cock.It did not seem to me that his cock was getting much bigger then it had been when we were in the bathroom, but I did not think any more about it, as I fucked into him.

As I began to pump harder and faster he began to moan in pants, "!"

I noticed his breathing was getting much faster and shorter, as was mine.I felt his young cock throb, and knew that he was close.As he began to shoot his load, he stood upright, locking my cock deep inside his ass.The convulsions of his young cock caused his ass to clamp my cock, which caused my own balls to unload deep into his guts.I counted seven strong spurts, before I began to slow down to a trickle.I stayed hard inside him, long after I should have gone soft, because the way he was standing, his sphincter had my cock clamped so that the blood could not leave it.Suddenly he leaned forward just enough for me to dislodge from his hot cummy hole, and without missing a beat, he turned, fell to his knees and began to clean my cock with his mouth.When he released my tender cock, I pulled him up to me and moved to kiss him. He backed away slightly, "Sir, I told you I'm not gay!"

We got dressed and got into the van, pulled onto the pavement and made our way back out to the Highway and turned the van south again.

We drove along in silence for nearly an hour, just the music playing on the CD player dancing softly on the air.

I looked at the dash clock and saw that it was nearly 9:30.Seeing an exit I knew had a nice restaurant I turned on my signal, made the exit and pulled up in front of the Frisch's Restaurant.

"I was thinking about stopping here for some dinner.How's that sound to you?"

"Sir, I don't have any money with me.I spent it all on a present for my Mom, so if it's all the same to you, I'll just wait in the van while you go in and eat."

"OK, listen up, first of all, don't keep calling me sir, and secondly, I am not going to eat and leave you out here in the van with nothing, so you are going to get your young cute ass out of that seat and come inside and eat dinner with me!Is that understood?"

His eyes got big and round as his face went white, "Yes si.err.Ray.That is definitely understood!"

He got out of the van and locked the door as he followed me into the restaurant.The hostess seated us in a booth and put menus in front of us.

"What can I get for you all tonight?"

"We'll have a couple of Big Boy Platters, and cokes to drink, oh, and extra tarter sauce on the side."

After I had ordered the food, the waitress took the menus and left.I looked at Sean and smiled, "Sorry, I never even thought to ask you what you wanted.I just wanted to make sure that you eat something,"

He smiled that twinkling smile of his, and nodded his approval.

The waitress brought our food and we ate, talked about nothing, and laughed at one another's jokes, and it was a lot better than what usually happened on these trips for my store.When we finished, I paid the check and left the waitress a nice tip.We got back into the van and back onto I-75 and headed south yet once more.

As we got further below Lexington, down around the Richmond area, we found that we had another detour.This one also took us to Highway 25 south, but we ended up going through Berea and Mount Vernon.We were almost half way between the two towns, and it was my turn to call for a pee stop.I recognized an old, unused roadside park and pulled into it. I eased back away from the pavement and up into the tree row behind the ruins of what used to be an old restroom building.Turning off the lights and engine, I got out of the van and walked around to the rear of it, opened my zipper and pulled out my cock to let fly with a strong stream.Before I had much more than started, Sean was standing beside me, fishing his our of his dress blues.We shook our cocks simultaneously, but didn't put them back away.I took his hand and pulled him to the side door of the van.Opening it, I nudged him into the van and the very back seat.As I climbed back to the seat, I took hold of his waist and began to open his belt and his snaps on his trousers.

I quickly pulled them down his legs and completely off his feet, along with his beautifully shined shoes. I grabbed the waist band of his briefs and pulled hard upward, ripping the band and tearing the thin fabric from his body, revealing his young hard cock.I dove onto it and swallowed it all the way down my throat. That's when it dawned on me.He didn't have any pubic hair.I thought it might have just been shaved, but as I licked across his pubic mound, there was no stubble.Even if he had shaved that morning, there would have been some very light stubble, but there was none!

I couldn't even feel any hair on his ball sac or come to think of it, in the crack of his ass or around his hole either.I could feel only a light wisp of hair on his firm young legs. And as I sucked his young cock into my mouth, I moved my hands up the sides of his torso to his arm pits.Nothing, not even a stubble.I couldn't bring myself to release his young cock, but I was sure at this point, that this kid was either a run away, or a youngster who falsely entered the Marine Corps, and right now, I was betting on the latter.

He began to thrash around on the seat beneath me, as I continued to suck his hard young cock deeply into my throat.As his moans became more and more urgent, I increased the amount of suction that I applied to his young cock until I could feel his balls draw up tight against the base of his shaft.When they almost disappeared up inside of his groin, I knew that I was right, he definitely wasn't old enough to be a Marine legally.When his cum began to shoot, I pulled my mouth back far enough to catch it on my tongue, and it was sweeter than any cum I had tasted in the past 15 years.As his cum subsided and his thrashing movements settled down, I unfastened my belt, and the snap at the waist of my pants, allowing them to drop to my ankles.I pulled my briefs down from side to side, using one hand, while I supported his ankles with the other and when they were out of the way, I climbed up onto the seat, behind his but, raised his ass into the air and pushed forward.It slipped in much easier this time, and I was buried balls deep before he actually realized what was happening.I was pumping his hot little ass for all I was worth.I would change my rhythm from time to time, going from long and slow, to short and fast, and then sawing just the head back and forth over his prostate, which elicited squeals of delight from him.We fucked for what must have been an hour before I felt my balls begin to draw toward my body.When I turned loose, it was like the cum earlier.I thought the force of my cum would blow it right up through him and out his nose, it felt that strong.He had cum again, onto his young, hairless stomach, and was moaning in ecstasy.As I pulled out of his tight hole, I leaned forward and lapped his young cum from his skin.I then moved up his body and stuck my cock again, into his hot lapping mouth for him to clean it off.

I leaned down and placed my hand behind his head and pulled it upward toward my face.He whispered hoarsely, "I'm not gay!' to which I replied, "You are tonight!"I leaned down and kissed him full on the lips and he parted his, allowing my tongue to slip inside.We kissed passionately for several minutes, allowing me to taste my own cock and his ass juices on his tongue.

After a short rest period, I dressed and got ready to get back on the road.I told him to stay naked, until I told him other wise, but to come back up front where I could see him from time to time.

We got moving again and worked our way around the remainder of the detour, and back onto I-75 south.

It was nearly midnight, and I knew that we were close to Jellico.In fact, it was less than 40 miles from Mt. Vernon.

As we crossed the Tennessee State line, I told him that he should put just his jacket and hat back on, which he immediately did.

Five miles past the line, I turned off of the Interstate again, and drove along US Highway 27 for about 10 miles.I pulled past the store, and saw that it was closed, so I drove the extra four blocks to the Amerisuites Hotel.I left Sean in the van, and went in and checked in, left a wake up call for 8:00 AM, and took my key and went back to the van.I pulled around to the back of the building and opened the side door and the back door of the van.I retrieved my bag from the rear as I shut it and then walked to the side of the van.

"Sean, get out of the van and get your things and follow me.You will stay with me tonight, and I'll get you on the bus in the morning, after a good breakfast, and what ever."The boy smiled as he climbed out of the van and retrieved his things, carrying them slung sharply over his shoulder, with just his dress coat and hat, above his waist and his black dress socks below.I opened the end door of the floor with my key and entered, turning right and opening my room door.As we entered the room Sean remarked that there was only one bed."That's all we need, and as it happens, there is no one else in this wing of the hotel tonight. I went to high school with the desk clerk, and he promised me that we would have complete privacy for the whole night.Now, strip that blouse and hat soldier, and assume the position, flat on your back.I need to do some more push ups!"

I fucked him and sucked him into the night, and again in the morning before we showered and I sucked him off again.I took him to the bus station and gave him my phone number at home, and $50.00.As he got on the bus, I whispered into his ear, "I know your secret, I know that you are not much more than 15, but if you want to stay in the Marines, I won't tell on you.Just be careful.When you get out, come and see me. I'll have a job waiting for you.

As he climbed onto the bus, he turned and waived and blew me a kiss, as he mouthed the words "I'm not gay!" and nodded his head up and down smiling as he did so.

I got a letter from him recently, he gets out of the military prison in six months.Yeah, he turned himself in.It seems that his older brother had been killed in a car wreck and he stole his drivers license and joined the Marine Corps as him.Because of his young age, he was actually only 16, they only gave him a year, and reduced it to six months with good behavior, and two years probation.Part of his probation is that he has to work for me and he is to be released to my custody.I cannot wait to see how much he's grown!

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